Am 14. und 15. April 2015 findet in Cardiff (Wales) die jährliche Open Education Conference statt. Die OER15 steht unter dem Motto „Mainstreaming Open Education“. Es werden knapp 200 Teilnehmende erwartet.
Das Konferenzprogramm umfasst zahlreiche Talks aus folgenden Bereichen:
- Impact Research
- Open Education across Languages and Cultures
- Learners and Other Communities
- Open Educational Practice (OEP) and Policy
- Open Courses
- Open Education in Colleges and Schools
Interessant ist auch die WordPress-basierte Website, die es Nutzern nicht nur erlaubt, sich einen eigenen Merkzettel zusammenzustellen, sondern damit auch das Interesse an den Talks mit anderen zu teilen. Alle Interessenten eines Talks werden automatisch zu einer Gruppe zusammengefasst.
Die Keynotes werden als Livestream übertragen und aufgezeichnet:
- Cable Green – Di., 11.50 Uhr
- Josie Fraser – Di., 17.30 Uhr
- Sheila MacNeill – Mi., 10.00 Uhr
- Martin Weller – Mi., 16.15 Uhr
Jöran Muuß-Merholz, Gründer von open-educational-resources.de, wird mit einem Talk im Programm vertreten sein, der die Position Deutschlands einschätzt:
Is Germany taking the fast track to OER?
A status report from the country that nearly missed the callGermany missed the debatte on OER for the first 10 years. Now it seems that the country wants to catch up to the international discussions on the fast track. There have been more acitivities in the last 2 years than in the 10 years before all together. For the end of 2014 we are expecting a political commitment on OER by the KMK (Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany) which might lead to not only one but 16 policies. Concurrently we are facing the first federal budget for OER in 2015.
In 2013 and 2014 progress was driven by civil society and grassroots. After the first OERcamp, a barcamp on OER in 2012, in 2013 and 2014 there were several gatherings focussing on OER. Wikimedia Germany hosted the the first national conference on OER in 2013 followed by another one in 2014. This led to the launch of the “Bündnis freie Bildung” (Coalition for Open Education) led by the local chapters of Creative Commons, Open Knowledge Foundation and Wikimedia.
In this talk I will give an overview of the status quo of OER in Germany and identify key questions and crucial players for the near future.