Video vom Closing Panel der OEglobal vom 10. März 2017
Das Keynote Panel „Cape Town +10: Reflections on the Global State of Open Education“ bildete den Abschluss der Konferenz OEglobal im März 2017 in Kapstadt, Südafrika.
Der folgende Bescheibungstext stammt von der Konferenzwebsite des OE Consortiums (dort unter CC BY 4.0):
„Ten years ago, the Cape Town Open Education Declaration was launched as a manifesto for opening up education. More than 2500 individuals and 260 organizations have pledged their support for the ideals set forth in the declaration, and open education has caught the attention of students, faculty, administrators and governments.
Join us for a lively panel discussion to celebrate some of our successes, reflect on the the changes over the past 10 years, and a look forward to the future of open education and the challenges we face. The panel will bring together some of the original authors of the declaration, including Delia Browne (Australian National Copyright Unit), Sanjaya Mishra (Commonwealth of Learning), Alek Tarkowski (Centrum Cyfrowe), Richard Baraniuk (Rice University) and the panel will be moderated by Philipp Schmidt (P2PU).“