„zugehOERt! live“ zu OER in Leicester mit Josie Fraser

Josie Fraser 2014,  Foto unter CC BY 4.0
Josie Fraser 2014, Foto unter CC BY 4.0

Leicester ist eine Stadt in England, die im Schulbereich vielleicht derzeit den Titel „OER Hauptstadt der Welt“* verdient. Im Rahmen des Programms „Building Schools for the Future“ zur Modernisierung von Schulen werden in Leicester für 23 Schulen  340 Mio. Pfund investiert. Josie Fraser ist im Rahmen des Projektes für den Bereich Technologie verantwortlich. Dazu gehören neben einer modernen Ausstattung eine umfassende Strategie DigiLit Leicester zu den digitalen Kompetenzen der Lehrkräfte und zur Öffnung des Lernens. Open Educational Resources (OER) spielen dabei eine zentrale Rolle.

We are more than happy to have Josie for a hangout on air!

DigiLit Leicester –
OER to support digital literacy in schools

with Josie Fraser, ICT Strategy Lead (Children’s Capital), Leicester City Council

16. Juni 2015, 16.00 UhrGermany, this is 3pm in the UK

More on Josie Fraser and DigiLit Leicester

Since the talk will be in English we switch the language from here.

Josie Fraser about DigiLit Leicester:

„The DigiLit Leicester project is a two year collaboration between Leicester City Council’s Building Schools for the Future Programme, De Montfort University and 23 of the city’s secondary schools. The project focuses on supporting secondary school teaching and teaching support staff in developing their digital literacy knowledge, skills and practice, and their effective use of digital tools, environments and approaches in their work with learners.“

Josie Fraser about Josie Fraser:

„Since 2010 I’ve been working for Leicester City Council, where I lead on the technology strand of the city’s £340 million Building Schools for the Future Programme, delivering new and refurbished schools for 23 secondary mainstream and special education communities. It’s a strategic role which includes all the managerial, commercial/financial, legal, HR, implementation and operational issues that make up a large, complex schools building programme.“

Can this be a model that could be rolled out across schools anywhere?

Josie Fraser will present an overview on the DigiLit Leicester project focussing on the role of Open Educational Resources (OER). We will publish the talk as a podcast and a video afterwards. Nonetheless you should join us live so that you can bring in your own questions and comments.

UPDATE: No recording? We were experiencing technical difficulties during our talk. We are trying to fix it. Maybe there will be no recording. 🙁
We will try to produce another version of the talk additionally. 🙂 

More …

*PS: „OER capital of the world“ ist ein Zitat, dessen Urheber wir nicht finden. Vermutlich war es jemand (Martin Weller?) bei der OER-Konferenz 2015, bei der Josie Fraser eine Keynote hielt (Videoaufzeichnung).

Creative Commons LizenzvertragDer Text steht unter der CC BY 4.0-Lizenz.Der Name des Autors soll bei einer Weiterverwendung wie folgt genannt werden: Jöran Muuß-Merholz für www.open-educational-resources.de – Transferstelle für OER.

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