Introductory workshop: Open Educational Resources in Higher Education

OER are not yet fully established in the higher education sector. Reasons for this include individual uncertainties regarding legal, technical, or didactic issues. In this workshop, you will learn about the characteristics of Open Educational Resources and reflect on opportunities and challenges that go along with their use. A special emphasis lies on copyright and open licensing. In interactive exercises and with practical examples, you will learn how to integrate OER into your work and what to consider when creating your own OER. In addition, you will get to know the key functions and features of the Lower Saxony OER-portal twillo.

OER in Higher Education – Lessons Learned im globalen Vergleich

Interview mit James Glapa-Grossklag, Open Education Consortium

Anfang März hatten wir gefragt: „Zu welche Themen sollen wir bei der Konferenz Open Education Global Interviews führen?“ Und Barbara Braun antwortete auf Facebook: „Mich würden die ‘Lessons Learned’ in meinem Fall in ‘Higher Education’ interessieren – bezogen auf den späten Start der OER in D – welche Umwege kann man vermeiden. Was funktioniert?“
Wir haben zu diesem Thema James Glapa-Grossklag interviewt, seines Zeichens President of the Board beim Open Education Consortium, den Veranstaltern der Konferenzreihe.

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